Our team is a small but close-knit group of professionals who work to ensure that your visit to our practice is as smooth and as comfortable as possible. We all hold the necessary education license to work in this field and have years of experience which means that you are going to have the most effective and efficient treatment possible.
Miles Gladson
Hi, my name’s Miles and I am the practice manager and owner and one of the dentists here at Usk dental practice. I have worked here for around 15 years. One of the hobbies that I do in my free time is cycling.
My GDC code is 76075.
Sarah Gladson
Hi, my name’s Sarah and I am the other practice manager as well as the owner and are the other dentist here at Usk dental practice. I have worked here for around 15 years. One of the hobbies that I do in my free time is swimming.
my GDC code is 80794.
Joanne Williams
Hi, my name’s Jo and I am the dental hygienist here at Usk dental Practice. I have worked here for 15 years. I qualified whilst serving in the RAF in 1997.
My GDC code is 5216
All nurses and receptionists.
The relevant GDC codes for the staff in the picture to the left are below.
123201 (Sarah Creed)
13529205 (Sharon)